TrainerTainment® Blog

Tips, Coaching, and Training – Onsite, Online, and Ongoing to Improve Sales, Service, and Leadership

Social Media Miracle

It was easy to know what to write about this week. Last Friday, I was on the phone having a one-on-one with one of the superstars on our team. We were planning how to rule the world, and then another call came in on the company line. I ignored it, but they rang in...

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What’s Best for You?

What's Best for You? As I contemplate what to write this week I got to thinking about what I'm obsessed with lately. We just ended the first quarter and for us, it was terrific. I hope you had the same experience. Our friends in the north certainly had a CRAZY winter!...

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Do We Speak the Same Language?

Before coming to TrainerTainment full time, I had the privilege of being a teacher trainer of English as a Foreign Language. Oh it was a thrilling life of travel and excitement, but more than that I learned so much about different cultures and perspectives. During my...

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You are a Sales Organization

Is Your Front Line Team Selling or  Un-Selling Your Center? You know we work with many clients all around the globe... OK mostly in North America. People ask us every day, "What should we be charging for our parties, group events, or attractions in general?" There is...

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That’s Not What I Wanted

I was in the hair salon yesterday and I overheard another customer talking with her stylist.  (I wasn't REALLY eavesdropping, there simply was nothing else going at the time.) The stylist asked her what she was looking for to make her style perfect. The woman began to...

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