A Sales Mindset Must Lead to Action

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Your Companion Guide to Action

When I read “People Buy From People” the first time, it was as if I stumbled upon the book that was written exactly for the time I was in as a sales professional. It was as if the little person on my right shoulder went off and told Beth all my innermost doubts, my sales mindset, the things that I didn’t understand, the gaps that I needed to grow in – and told her to write a book for me. If you have not read “People Buy From People”, it is time, order it, and add the companion guide while you are at it. Your copy of the companion guide will be signed by Beth herself! Too cool!

When I say I am a notetaker, that would be an understatement. Hands in the air for all my notetakers out there! Sending you all the high-fives!!! It takes us longer sometimes to get through a book, doesn’t it? Because we just have to get those thoughts in, either on the page itself or in the kindle, and highlight what we need to highlight, and then reflect. To add even more to it, we are so ready to get into action from what we learned. Books like “People Buy From People” ignite a fire within us, and we are so excited to have priceless answers to problems we have been encountering, a guide to action, that we just want to hit the ground running. I know that’s me, and I know for sure that is many of you reading this right now.

When I read “People Buy From People” for the second time, and listened to the Audible version, it met me in a different place. I had been working for TrainerTainment for some time – and I absolutely loved hearing the Audible version, especially the foreword, and hearing how Beth got to where she is today in Chapter 1. There is just something about reading something and then hearing it, especially in the voice of the author to really reinforce the points and make you feel supported as a reader. What I found is my notes were not as copious, and what I was looking to do was retrace steps of past conversations and improve my sales actions and conversations in the future.

Reading a book for a second time, in a different place in your life, is so similar to watching a movie for a second time. You notice things you didn’t notice before, a clue, different messaging, and how the director/author really has a passion for what they do – even more so than you realized the first time around. As I mentioned earlier, my notes from the first read were lengthy and more foundational, and I took so many. When I went to look back at my notes in my notebook for this second time, I identified I needed action items; things I can do differently now, to improve my sales mindset. This is why I am so excited about the companion workbook that was released to go alongside the “People Buy From People” book. It is an asset for anyone reading “People Buy From People” and applying what you learn immediately.

Having a business myself and being a sales professional with TrainerTainment, what I know is that mindset is everything. What you speak to yourself matters. What your pour into your mind matters. It really is true, whether you think you can or can’t, you are right. The energy and the talk that you have while you are waiting for someone to pick up on the other line helps determine the outcome.

The companion workbook goes beyond PCQPC and takes you through The Sales Pro System itself, which for any person in Sales, really anyone selling anything who needs a system for success, this is THE system. If you have not heard of PCQPC, this is referenced in “People Buy From People”, and there is also a stand-alone course that you can purchase here in the Grow Academy. I highly recommend it, and you can also check out my review on our website as well.

The one-stop-shop for a sales system that works is at your fingertips. Click away! We would like to invite you to talk with us and schedule a growth call. Sonya or I look forward to hearing about your experience and the next steps of how we can serve you in the future. Schedule with Krista and Sonya.

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