Because We Care

hants showing we careI just read Seth Godin’s blog entitled, “Companies don’t care about you.”  He talked about companies not being run by people who care, because “caring is unpredictable, hard to command and regulate, and sometimes expensive in the short term.”  He ends with the very poignant statement, “what a shame.”

It is sad to me to think that the ‘norm’ has become an unfeeling world, filled with companies and people who don’t care about others. And you know what–it may be shame, but I don’t really think we can generalize people like that; and what’s more, I don’t accept it.  I find that there are so many examples in our world of people who care, and I’m honored to meet more people like that all the time.  It’s their stories I want to tell, and their behavior I want to emulate, because I do care.

I was sitting next to a lady this week who overheard me talking about leadership to one of my colleagues. After I hung up, she asked me what I do, so I explained about what we do at TrainerTainment.  She talked to me about leadership and how important working together and teamwork is at work. Of course I agreed. She followed by telling me about her role as a cardiac nurse. She had been in a floor meeting recently and the ‘big bosses’ from the upper floors came down and asked her team, “How is it that you all work so well together?  What is it that has you so in tune with each other?” They replied, “That’s easy; it’s because we care.  If one of us receives a call on one of our patients, it’s like we all hear the call.  If one of use loses a patient, we all do.  We care-about our patients and about each other.”  I’m so humbled when I meet people in the medical profession who literally save lives every day, and to hear their ‘why’ is so motivating.

That nurse really made a difference in my day.  When I thought about the team they must have, and how they work together, I really got inspired about their purpose.  And then, the following day, in our quarterly TrainerTainment planning meeting, we spent some time refining some language around our core purpose-who we are.  Our team brainstormed ideas.  “We’re fun training, serious results, we’re solutions driven, we’re intentional learners,” you know all of those things we value.  But really, at the core, we are in service.  We get up every morning and think, “How can I be in service to my family, my team, my clients, and my community?” For me personally, it’s about trying to make a difference for someone today, because I refuse to accept that the world has to be a place where making a difference is too expensive to put enough effort into. I won’t shake my head and say “what a shame.”

So for our team and those we serve, when a client calls one of us, they call us all.  When one faces a challenge, we all do.  When we or one of our clients feels success, we all celebrate together.  Why? Because we care – about each other and about you.  What about your team? Do you care, and how do you show the people you serve?

My Top 5 Social Media Influencers

I have to say I have one of the best jobs in the world! I get to be on social media for a large portion of my day and get paid for it! But to do that and be good at it I have to spend a lot of time learning. I’m always amazed by how much social media changes on a daily basis! For instance, this week Google announced that it was breaking Google+ apart. No matter how much I really liked Google+, I just didn’t spend enough time there and now it is all changing. There isn’t a day that goes by that someone isn’t changing their TOS (Terms of Service), adding a new feature, changing an algorithm, or that one blogger is saying one thing and then another argues the opposite. It can be so confusing. So today I really wanted to share with you the top 5 blogs I follow. These are people that I believe are there to HELP you grow your social media presence, not just tell you what you are doing wrong without offering solutions.

  1. Social Media Examiner – This is definitely one of my go to blogs! They pull in great content from so many different influencers in the social sphere and cover everything from Facebook, Twitter, Instagram, to Pinterest and more! If you haven’t attended one of their summits you should! I have attended online for the past two years and there is just so much great content!
  2. Mari Smith – She is absolutely your go to for Facebook.  She is a great thought leader and she even helps sort through other Facebook influencers’ content and shares it. She, too, offers great online classes that can help you get your feet wet.
  3. Kim Garst – There is something about her, she seems like your best friend. Kim gives some of the best tips about all social media channels, how to improve engagement, and how to convert social media efforts into sales.
  4. Post Planner – What is there not to like?  They are so much like TrainerTainment – they believe in having fun, and achieving serious results. What can I say, I’m a sucker when people regularly use words like Amaze-Balls! They are really excited about social media and what companies can do.
  5. Jenn’s Trends – Lastly, Jenn’s Trends, whose specialty is Instagram (I love Instagram because I’m such a visual person). She offers great insight on how to use Instagram for business and how to engage your audience.

So there you have it, my top five I like to follow. I’ll give you a little secret; I use Feedly to have everything filter to one place instead of getting tons of emails or having to go to each of their blogs. But spend some time each day reading what they have to say, they are the best in social media for a reason. I would love to hear who you follow and what tips have really worked for you! Click here and share with us on Facebook. Don’t forget to follow us and engage with us on one of our social media channels too.

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