Getting to Know TrainerTainment’s Laura O’Neal

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What do you enjoy most about working with our clients?

Even though we are all in the entertainment industry, I appreciate the diversity of each client. In Social Media, each of our clients has a unique voice we try to capture when representing them. From a Business Coaching perspective, I love helping them unravel the complexities of their business and use their talents and individual strengths to take their businesses (for a lack of a better term) to the next level.

How long have you been in the FEC industry and in what roles?

I have ridden Beth’s coattails on this one. I’ve been a coach since the beginning of Trainertainment, as well as an outside trainer, business coach, and SMM manager for many of our clients proudly for 11 years.

What is the most significant thing you have learned working in the FEC industry?

Not to sound like a broken record, but I have learned the people in this industry are amazingly hard working, kind, fun, and did I mention hard working? To me, all the rest of it beyond the people can be taught or trained, but the backbone of this industry are its owners and staff.

Which of our core values resonates with you the most?

FUN. The reason I say that might be obvious, but for me, FUN isn’t always in the forefront. I have to work at it because we all work so hard and do so much. The greatest thing I get to ask myself is…”Wait, is this fun? If not, Beth would not approve.” How great is THAT????

If you could use technology to do one thing, what would it be and why?

I would use technology to obliterate technology. You think I’m kidding.

Would you rather explore a new planet or the deepest parts of the ocean? Why?

The ocean. I’m afraid of heights and fish are cool. What I really want to explore is the human brain. There is a movie about this and the name escapes me, but a little rocket ship goes inside a body and putters around. THAT would be an adventure that would be FUN and I would sign up for in an instant.

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