
I was sitting in church today and noticed that even my church has a scorecard. Over the last year, I have taken a new step toward accountability within my company. All of our sales team and many of our team members in management have a scorecard. This scorecard helps...

Do you show appreciation?

Tomorrow is Employee Appreciation Day. I know, to some it may feel like this is just another Hallmark day to celebrate, but did you know that studies show that “recognition” was one of the main things employees wanted in order to produce great work? I mean, we all...

Change & Letting Go

I’m not one for New Year’s resolutions. I tend to make my resolutions when I’m ready, instead of when people say that we should make them. A few weeks ago I was ready and set a goal to give up non-essential sugar. I mean, who can really give it up 100%? It’s in our...



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