Change & Letting Go

by | Motivation

I’m not one for New Year’s resolutions. I tend to make my resolutions when I’m ready, instead of when people say that we should make them. A few weeks ago I was ready and set a goal to give up non-essential sugar. I mean, who can really give it up 100%? It’s in our food and my deep need, yes a need, for Starbucks grande, non-fat, extra-hot, vanilla lattes were something I just couldn’t part with. Living here in Indonesia for the past year and a half has been an adjustment, and one that I have done is found comfort in sweets! Yes, when we celebrate, when I was stressed out when I thought I needed to reward myself, didn’t matter; I turned to sweets.

It doesn’t help that they are EVERYWHERE and so cheap! Donuts here are a snack instead of what you eat for breakfast once in a while, gourmet cupcakes are essentially a $1 where back in the US are $3.50, every mall has a bakery that sells sweet treats that are gourmet and $2 or less and worst of all–a liter of coke here is about $.75. So yes, it’s easy to access, it’s yummy, and it’s hard to give up. I made the choice that I needed to do what was best for my body and my sanity, and it was not easy. I mean, it’s been a week, and I still want something sugary and sweet, but I know that I shouldn’t do it. I am dedicated to changing my habits and letting go of the sugar.

Isn’t that how most things in business are? Making the right choices, no matter how hard and emotional they are?  Giving up sugar is pretty freaking emotional. I think sometimes we know what we need to do, like hiring the right people even if it means paying them just a little more and providing them with the proper training to get them on track for huge success to get a return on our investment. How about investing time and money into creating training programs, for new and current team members, so they can meet their full potential and be the best team members they can? Or how about biting the bullet and adding online booking systems or upgrading our centers that will in the end help increase sales?  Think of all that would put fear into any manager and owner’s mind.

What I have learned over the past 9 years being an operator and consultant in the FEC business is that with change comes fear, and we know that decisions should not be based on fear. I remember when I decided to give up sugar I was fearful of headaches, afraid of my ability to be able to do it, afraid of being ready to face realities head-on instead of finding comfort in sugar.

When I was a younger manager in a center, I had fears when we had significant changes. I was fearful if they would really work. I was afraid if my team could get on board and adapt.  I was afraid if I would be able to execute it at the highest level and do what was best for my company. Now, I know that I have to change and let go of the fear and look at it as what is best for the company, not what is going to make me the most comfortable.

The reality and best part about change and letting go are that most of the time you don’t have to do it alone. For my giving up on sugar I have turned to a few friends who are doing it with me, and we encourage each other. With training and development, we are here to be the rock for you and your people. Don’t be fearful of the change; let go and embrace it!

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