What Am I Doin’?

by | Sales

Do you ever ask yourself this question? I know I do sometimes. Sometimes, I do have a clue as to how to answer that question … and other times I’m just running to catch the next plane or call and have no idea how to respond to, “WHAT AM I DOING?”

This morning I’m really thinking about the most important thing I can share with you this week and I can’t shake the thought of “What am I doing?” So here goes.  I guess this is the message for the week.

If I look strictly at business, I know that for 7 years I and others have worked diligently to grow this wacky training company I call TrainerTainment. In the last 18 months or so I think I’ve really been able to zoom in and focus on what we are doing.

Today I’m able to clearly articulate to new team members and to our existing and potential customers why we are here.  In my head I see a big circle and in the middle is what I think we believe the most.  That central belief is that “WE HELP.”  When it comes to business and probably to my life I think I have a deep-rooted vision that says my life is about helping others. It sounds so simple and it makes sense. I think most entrepreneurs want to make a difference in the world; and I think making that difference means you have to do something for someone.

OK, I’ll move on. Once I got my head wrapped around that central belief of helping others, it was easy to get clear about the values surrounding that core concept. Interestingly enough, I think those values really answer the question of how we do the things we do.

If helping is the center circle then the following 4 values surround that core. In order, those values are:

  1. Fun Training
  2. Serious Results
  3. Relevance
  4. Learning

So what all that means is, anytime we, as a company, plan to work with you, we have to be sure we are in line with what we mean to do for you. The first and most important question is can we help? If the answer is yes, then we proceed with energy, strategy, and a firm plan to win. That win must include fun training that produces serious results. We commit to remaining relevant by staying in the market place and paying close attention to what’s going on day-to-day. Finally, I believe that we can’t be a strong training company if we are not steeped in learning. Reading, attending webinars, and workshops is a key performance indicator with every core team member at TrainerTainment.

So there you are. That’s what I’m doing. Working a little or a lot, every day, on how to best serve others. If you think about what you are doing-what do you come up with? I’d love to hear from you.

TIP: I’d start with why you are doing it first!

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