Making A Difference

by | Sales

This week I had an amazing training experience. Like most entrepreneurs, I really want to make difference. At the center of our core values at TrainerTainment we know we want to help others. It’s pretty simple and it keeps us on track when we train. With the thought of helping in mind, I received a call on my way to a training this week. The assignment was to re-coach a party team and help them bond with a new party manager.  However, this call made me rethink the situation. The new manager and another senior sales manager called to say the weekend before had been pretty tough. The new manager was in place and this young party team that I was going in to work with was pretty standoffish. It sounded like I had my work cut out for me.

I sensed a power point, fun games, and a reminder of the job they needed to do was not what everyone really needed. Fortunately, I had pre-board and air-time, along with a rush hour drive to the location. For whatever reason, I normally go to sleep during take-off and again once the plane begins to descend. Often times during this twilight nap time, I come up with article ideas, products, and fortunately, this time-just the right thing to do with this fractured team.

I called the center to let them know the traffic was going to create a bit of delay. We were due to start at 6:30 and there was no way I was going to make it before 6:45. As it turned out my tardiness turned into perfect timing.  The new manager was able to have a good conversation with the team, and helped them understand her rules and processes.  She also heard from the team about some of the issues they had been having. Everything was OK when I arrived.

It seemed to me they did not need me to stand up front so instead I just sat at the table with them.  I chose to do an exercise that seems to really help managers and team members understand what they need from each other. Now pay close attention – this is VERY sophisticated.

Step #1: I ask the managers to step out of the room.

Step #2: I ask the team members what they thought the managers needed in order to be successful in their jobs.  We went around the room with each person saying things like, “they need me to be on time, they need me to make customers happy, they need me to deliver great guest service, they need me to clean up my room.”

Step #3: I then ask the team members to write down on a piece of paper the 3 things they need in order to succeed in their job. It’s always so interesting to see these responses. Team members talk more about what they need from each other than what they need from their managers. They do need to know managers, “have their back.” They also need other team members do their fair share of the work, and I quote, “They need to perform UP and BEYOND!” I love this concept. Blue, a fantastic Party Hero in Sugarland, TX, gets credit for this wonderful slogan for excellent performance.

Step # 4: We then invited the managers back into the room and asked them to share the 3 things they needed in order to be successful in their job. These managers and most managers that I visit with all said they need communication. This opened up good conversation about what that communication looked like; and we were able to clarify simple things like appropriate timing and responses using text messaging. We also heard that it was important to the manager for the team member to understand that they could come to them for help and encouragement.

Step # 5: The team told the managers what they thought they would say.

Step # 6: The team told the managers and each other what they needed.

This proved to be an exciting conversation about where this team could take the party program. I did jump in with some of our training messages and encouraged this team to know that they were the core, literally at the center of the success or failure of this party program. All the things that they choose to do right now will determine their level of excellence.  I thought it was important to share the message that they don’t have to do the job. They chose to do the job and if this is their choice then why not do it to the best of their ability…to which they all described as UP & BEYOND!

It was incredible. These kids did not want to go home. We had been there for more than 2.5 hours with no break and everyone was leaning in wanting more. When I asked them what they got out of the evening I was completely blown away. Somehow, the situation created an environment that struck a chord with everyone in the room. They were visibly emotional with their gratitude. It meant something to them that their level of excellence in this job is indicative of the choices they’ll make in the future and a sign of how they will perform in the jobs in their future. One young woman seemed very inspired by my story of entrepreneurship and admired the business woman in me. I won’t lie, that made me feel pretty special. Another party pro said, “I get it, I’m choosing to do this. I am going to do a better job.” I tell you, I was overwhelmed.

And I’m happy to report they had an AMAZING weekend! I’m feeling pretty successful about training this week.  Thank you for giving me a forum to share.  I’ll close with my favorite thought on Success.

This is my favorite poem by Ralph Waldo Emerson


                  To laugh often and much; to win the respect of intelligent people and affection of children; to earn the appreciation of honest critics and endure the betrayal of false friends; to appreciate beauty, to find the best in others; to leave the world a bit better, whether by a healthy child, or garden patch or a redeemed social condition; to know even one life has breathed easier because you have lived. This is to have succeeded.

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