Truth & Values

by | Sales

Our company has this very cool space on Facebook, a private group we have dubbed “the Happiness Hangout.” Allison, our project manager, and sanity saver created it as a space that we can all go to connect with one another about the fun things that are going on in our lives.

Our team lives in Florida, Dallas, Ft. Worth, Tennessee, Denton, Washington, Lubbock, and Jakarta. I hope I didn’t miss anyone. We don’t have the opportunity to have a coffee talk but we do have the happiness hangout. Amy posted the quote above about serving and leading.

I was immediately inspired to write. I think/hope one of the things that we do in the world is to help grow people and their businesses, and we do that through coaching and training. I was so thrilled that one of our team members grabbed the quote and posted it in that “happy space” for all of us.

For me, as the leader of the company, I am energized when a team member raises their voice and expresses out loud what we believe in. It’s exciting. It helps me remember why it’s OK to get up early in the morning and go to bed late some nights! It makes it fun and worthwhile.

Listen, your team will sing your songs if they know the words. Have you told your story? Do you remember why you are in business? Are you telling those stories to anyone? What are the words that describe what you mean to be in the world?

One of the most important things you can do as a business owner, a leader, or supervisor is to share the passion and vision of why you do what you do. It matters. In a world with as many distractions, as this world offers, I think people need something to focus on and to care about.

Here’s an example of what I mean: at TrainerTainment, we have 5 core values. We believe in Fun, (promoting, having and being fun). We believe in intentional learning–as a matter of fact we think it would be arrogant to think we are a great teaching company without being immersed in learning. We believe in being in service to others (that’s why that quote above was so meaningful!). We believe to be on the TrainerTainment team or even to be a TrainerTainment customer, you have to be someone who takes initiative and is a high performer.  When we deal with people and businesses that are in alignment with our values, we can make a difference in the world.

That may sound crazy or grandiose, but it is what we believe in! If you’ve made it to the end of the article I want to tell you how much I appreciate you sharing in my enthusiasm. And Amy, thanks for the great post!


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