Are you driving your bus?

by | Leadership

My first experience as a leader of a team came when I became the party manager for iT’Z in Albuquerque. It seems like forever ago, but I learned so many lessons growing with the company. I think it was my time in Houston where I grew the most. It was a much larger and higher volume center than in Albuquerque, which also meant that I had a bigger team. I was still fairly young, and I was fortunate to work with some amazing managers that really helped mold me to the leader and manager I am today.

One of the things that really helped motivate me and understand my role as a manager and leader was when Beth gave me the book “The Energy Bus.” If you haven’t heard or read it, pick it up today! It’s a great and easy read and will change your perspective about being a leader. I know, being a leader, especially to a younger generation can be challenging. Heck, even when you are working with other adults and lead them, it can be a challenge. At the end of the day, it really all comes down to the same thing; you are the leader and are leading them.

I love that this book gives us 10 Rules for the Ride of Your Life, and there is one that has always stuck out to me – You’re the driver of the bus. I mean- seems simple, right? We are in charge of the places we go, the things that we do. We are the driver of our business, our attitudes, our actions, our goals and the driver of the attitude and actions of those around us. That’s a pretty powerful position, and one that is an honor.

Think about it this way; if you plan a trip and know exactly where to go, but you allow someone else to drive the car and don’t tell them any information how to get there, will the trip ever go anywhere? Maybe, but it will probably take longer to get there, have more detours, and run into more problems than you need to.
With our business, we hire managers and team members to be on the bus with us, but we have to be the one to make sure the bus is moving forward and that everyone is on the same ride. We have to drive the bus. We know the plan, we have the vision, we know the direction and it is our jobs as leaders to be sure that we are providing that direction and driving the bus with a great attitude and the actions needed to move forward.

So I challenge you as we are closing out 2015 and heading into a new year, ask yourself these questions:

  • Where am I going?
  • What direction is my bus moving?
  • Is that direction where I want/need to be going?
  • What can I do daily to make sure I am driving my bus in the right direction?

Start today and get your bus on the road to success!



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