The risk of refusing to grow!
What a quote! I love this guy Rick Houcek who writes a 2-minute Monday morning motivator. It’s easy. in that, it takes about 2 minutes to read, and I almost always get a ton out of what he puts out. The title of my article today is a direct quote from his 2/25/20 newsletter and I felt like I just had to share my thoughts. I’d love to hear what you think.
In my mind GROWTH is necessary!
I think there are many ways to intentionally focus on growth. First and foremost is PRIORITIZATION. For me, I have a morning ritual of reading. Honestly, I look forward to getting out of bed and into the words of the day. Once I get set, I go for a walk. Sometimes on the treadmill, sometimes outside. I listen to Audible when I walk. I just finished, Never Split the Difference. It is a GREAT read.
This morning ritual is a very important setup for the day. If it is missed for any reason, it takes a toll. My stress level increases and productivity for the day decreases. It may seem counterintuitive to add something to the schedule and subtract the stress, but it is the way it works for me. Yes, I must get up early and it’s worth it.
Reading is not the only way to gain knowledge. Candi, our director of training, is an avid podcast listener. Amy, who has trained for us, reads a ton of blogs every week. Mary, our director of operations, loves THE PHYSICAL BOOK and reads with a highlighter in hand! Talking with others, listening to the many, and curiosity about everything is a voracious way to feed your growth.
I do believe there is a balance between not thinking your good enough and always pursuing excellence. It is important to take time and celebrate the wins. However, there is a danger of basking in the glow of today and not continuing to seek improvement for tomorrow. The warp speed of change today is sure to transform today’s excellence into yesterday’s old news.
No one jumps out of bed and shouts, “I hope I’m mediocre today!”. In the same thought though, maybe a few jump up thinking “I’m going to seek excellence today!” I’d love to encourage you to decide to jump out of bed with intention. Be present today. Be excellent today. Learn something. Share something with someone. Smile. Make someone else’s day.
I’d love to hear what you think would make today an excellent day for you.