The Easy Thing About Making the Hard Decisions

by | Leadership

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The easiest part of making a difficult decision is NOW you know what to do. I don’t know about you but for me, I’m getting pretty good at making hard decisions. It might be that everything seems hard right now. However, it may be that right now most difficult situations seem magnified and I think that magnification may be a “difficultly enhancer!”

I’m curious to know about the difficult decisions you’ve had to make recently. What were they? What were the consequences? What was good? What could have been better? I wonder if you agree that once the decision was made, there was relief and confidence in knowing what to do now.

I personally believe (and behave) better when I know what to do. When I get stuck in “non-decision” land, I’m pretty miserable and have even made the “wrong” decision instead of the “hard” choice. There is a difference.

Our most difficult choice to date is deciding to hold our in-person sales conference, virtually on Dec. 2nd & 3rd. We have a wonderful new sales program to roll out to the world and have delayed all year so we could present it in person However, I am thrilled to have the option of sharing the condensed version virtually.

Please be on the lookout for all the cool things coming from TrainerTainment regarding our brand new sales system launch!

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