Terrible, Horrible, No Good, Very Bad Day

by | Education, Motivation, Personal, Sales

Today, I’m going to choose my attitude.Have you ever read the children’s book: Alexander and the Terrible, Horrible, No Good, Very Bad Day? The premise is that from the time he wakes up, absolutely NOTHING goes Alexander’s way all day long. I think we have all had that day before. The day where you feel like you just cannot win, and going to bed seems like the only solution to end your misery!

While in the middle of one of these days, it’s easy to feel bad, or sorry for ourselves, or to just throw a full-on pity party. I’m guilty of all of these things, as I expect you all are, also.

What can we learn from a day like this?

We can turn one of these days into a different kind of story. How about a “choose your own adventure” story? Today, I’m going to choose my attitude. I’m not going to throw a pity party. If I need to shake a bad situation off, I’ll turn on some music that I like, or listen to a podcast that I enjoy. (Have you taken to listening to podcasts yet? They are fantastic, and they come in every kind of subject matter!) I might send a positive text to a friend or my husband. In short, I’m going to CHOOSE to remember that I am good, that there is so much good in the world, and that I have this wonderful opportunity to bring change by being the change I want to see around me.

The power of positive thinking is real. The power of positive people is legitimate.

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