She didn’t have to do that!

by | Education, Leadership, Motivation, Performance, Personal, Social Media

21 Day CallengeCan you think of the last time you did something for another person expecting nothing in return?

That keeps happening to me a lot lately. Heck I’m someone who has a difficult time even asking for help. It is much more comfortable to me to be the helper.

However, I am struck lately with the unselfish goodness of others. John Higgs, a friend of mine who is in my CEO group has a mom that fits beautifully in to this “don’t need to ask her” category.

In April my husband and I bumped into the unpredictable world of lymphoma and all the scary unknown things that come with that. I missed my May CEO meeting and let the group know in a teary scared email why I couldn’t be at at that May meeting.

John reached must have reached out to his mom Mary, who began dealing with this “C” thing a year ago in October. With no prompting Mary reached out to me with a lot of information, care, and support.

Miss Mary must have my husband’s treatment schedule on her calendar.  I know this because she kindly contacts every three weeks just before the next chemo treatment.  It gives me mucho comfort and confidence to have Mary in the care circle. This small act of checking in is so amazingly powerful.

She doesn’t have to do what she does. I barely know her. Her actions are so big. Heck I’ll go so far as to say that what she does is bold and meaningful.

It makes me think… what did I do today? Is there something I can do each day that no one asks or expects me to do? I wonder what that could mean for someone else?

For the next 21 days I am deciding to do something bold and meaningful for another human. I am sure Mary Higgs doesn’t need or even want credit for the special things she does for others. I suspect it is her habit to live life in this unselfishly kind way. I hope I can be as bold and meaningful as she.

Would you take that 21 day journey with me? Could you consider doing something for others without being asked to do so? Heck if you are like me this might be pretty easy. I hate for anyone to tell me what to do in the first place!

We would love to hear if you are going to join in our challenge,click here and tell us I am making that commitment with you! Have a good rest of the week and thanks for reading.

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