Planning to Win Requires a Winning Plan

by | Performance, Sales

planning mage

Isn’t it wonderful to think and dream about the “thrill of victory”? Everyone loves to win. Most of us know it’s not just something that happens – unless of course, you are one of the rare few who have hit the lottery!

Experience has taught me the most productive times of my life have happened when I have been willing to plan for success. I have also learned plans may require flexibility, but that is no excuse to give up on developing a winning plan from the beginning. Every pilot understands that although a flight plan is filed, each flight may require adjustment based on the unknown.

With that in mind, wouldn’t it be great to have your own successful flight plan in place? A winning strategy is more likely to produce a successful outcome. I love how Zig Ziglar says it, “Do you want to be a meaningful specific or a wandering generality”. That’s how I think of salespeople who don’t own a winning sales plan. I don’t want the “general stuff” of the day to interrupt what I know to be the meaningful things that create success.

We think this plan is so important at TrainerTainment, that we’ve developed a SALES PLANNER for 2021 that is sure to help you be the sales superstar you were meant to be!

This planner takes the big chunks of your sales goals and breaks them into bite-sized pieces. We’ve included the best sales scripts to help build your connection, qualification, presentation, and closing muscles!
Don’t know who to call – We’ve produced targeted lists by category. The 2021 REACH CALENDAR with guides about timing is invaluable. The TrainerTainment webinar and conference calendar is at your fingertips. BEST OF ALL-you have daily tracking systems available to help you stay on track!

There are tons of good planners in the marketplace today. Maybe your phone has an app that keeps you on track…However, I know when I write it down, a real commitment is made to complete not only the task at hand but to win the game! I hope you will plan to win BIG in 2021. We have such a vision to serve people who want to grow. I would love to help you get one of these planning tools in your hand.

I hope you have a great week and better yet, I hope you are planning to win big in 2021!

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