by | Sales

If you’ve attended a TrainerTainment VIP Guest Service training in the last year then you know what an irritant “no problem ” is for me.  I’m sick of it.

Why would it be a problem anyway for you to do your job? I walk up to the bowling counter and say, “I’d like to bowl for an hour”. The desk person says, “No problem.” My first thought is, why would it be a problem? It’s the middle of the day.  32 of your 40 lanes are empty. Of course it’s not a problem. Why would I be a problem? I’m the customer, I have the money!

Oh good grief, I’m getting anxious just writing. I tried out my theory of calling someone out on the “no problem” situation because I kept wondering, “what if it is a problem?” Would you wait on me anyway?

Here’s what I did. It was happy hour; and I thought a Cape Cod would be just the thing. A friend of mine was already sitting at the bar chatting with the bartender. I sat down. The bartender was super nice and immediately asked me what I’d like to drink. I say, “I’d love a Cape Cod”, she says, “No Problem,” and in an instant I’m unglued. As the bartender walked away to grab my drink, I couldn’t help but say, “When would it be a problem?”

As you can imagine, she didn’t quite know what to say! Best I remember she stammered a bit, smiled, and said something like “of course it’s no problem, I didn’t really mean there was a problem.”

Then don’t say it! Now I know that no one means anything bad when they say no problem. But honestly it’s NOT the right thing to say. Here’s my favorite… I thank my server for a lovely dinner, they say, “no problem.” Give me a BREAK…the appropriate response is, “You’re welcome!”

I’m not the only one that feels this way. Mary who trains with us called me Sunday morning and was very excited to tell me that the CBS Sunday Morning show had a “No Problem” feature.

That’s all I needed. Now I know I’m right! They said so on TV ; ). Listen, here’s my service plea to you and your staff. Be aware. If you are saying “No problem” when it’s more appropriate to say, “my pleasure” or “you’re welcome” then please substitute your “no problem” with the higher service language of you’re welcome or my pleasure.

It’s your job to do many of the things that you tell the guest that it is “no problem” for you.  The Sunday Morning piece suggests that if you are dealing with someone born before 1980 then you are going to irritate them! Read the article…He says it better than I’m saying it and gives great examples of when, “No problem” is appropriate.

By the way, we have a GREAT new VIP Service E-learning course that allows you to interact with the guests and make great decisions. AND if you’ve been wondering how to teach your staff to deal with difficult guests, please go to the TrainerTainment Virtual Classroom NOW and take the “Dealing with a Difficult Guest” course!

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