Breaking Down Sales Barriers

by | Sales

break down the barrier!

Here’s a quick and easy sales tip that’s not as obvious as it might sound. “If someone tries to give you their money,


I had to place an order for something fun to include in our new Everything Birthdays Party Boxes and I tried to place an order online.  Well there was a problem with my online account. Barrier 1.

I went ahead and just called the big red toll free number on the top of my screen. I talked to a lovely gal who picked up right on the first ring. She told me she’d transfer me to someone who could fix the account. Barrier 2.  When I got to the other person, I got voicemail instead of a live person. Barrier 3.

I think many people would have stopped here-you know, Strike 3 and you’re OUT!

 I hung up and called back and said, “Hi again, I got voicemail, so I’d like to just go ahead and order now with you if that’s ok.” The representative said, “well I see that your account manager is Robin and she’s not in yet, but I can get you to her voicemail.” Barrier 4.  (plus the added irritation that I’ve already told this woman I wanted to order with her and that I’d hung up on one voicemail already.)

I’d now given them four chances to take my money and they’d failed.  Finally, I said, “I’d rather just order from you, is there some problem that prevents me from being able to do that?” Pause. Finally, she took the order, but I think she thought about putting up a fifth barrier.

 How many barriers are people in your center unknowingly putting up because they’re not the “party booker” or the “one who takes care” of league sign up, group events, or field rentals?”  How many “no’s” do you think your busy customers are willing to tolerate before they call your competitor? Are you willing to find out? I’m not!

To be clear: if someone tries to give your center money, take it!  We know that sales is about relationships, and it’s critical to have experts like party coordinators, pro shop supervisors and field managers.  However, every single person who answers your phone should have the tools and training necessary to take the order.  Your experts can always call customers back, confirm orders and thank them to deliver that personalized “wow factor” you want to be known for.

Break down those barriers!

I’d love to hear from you!  Post on Facebook or comment below!

See you next week,

Sherry Howell
Trainer & Project Coordinator


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