Am I Ready to Present?

by | Sales

Qualify important to sales

If There Were Just One Thing – it is to Qualify

If there were one thing that a salesperson could do to transform the way they sell completely, it would be to qualify more effectively. Great qualification is understanding; it’s not about you, and it’s not about the stuff you sell. It’s about the consumer. It’s about the buyer. A buyer buys because of what they need, not what you need.

I know this sounds simplistic, but it is critical for growing your sales life. If you want to go from good to great in your sales career, getting this process and having the discipline to qualify and listen before you present your product or propose a solution will make all the difference in your success. Think about it this way: we have one mouth and two ears, which means we should listen twice as long as we talk.

This week, I want to support you in this area. At TrainerTainment, we are constantly working on one thing: qualifying more effectively with the sales teams we coach. I want you to have what we use with those teams. It’s a Q-Card©. I believe this Q-Card© works no matter what kind of selling you do. 

Q Card Image

There are five things you need to know BEFORE you begin talking about yourself. The Logistics, what are the Hot Buttons, who is Competition, who is the Decision Maker, and their Tolerance for Spend. When you do this right, the buyer will be leaning forward, excited to hear what you have to offer. When you exercise the discipline of not talking about yourself or your product until you know the five things, your sales life will explode! To continue your learning to qualify and what comes before and after, check out the PCQPC course in the Grow Academy.

TIP: it’s still never about you but rather what your products and services can do for others. It’s still all about them – so make sure you qualify.

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