FIRST-Connect with Others

by | Education, Performance, Sales

It’s interesting to be someplace where you can’t read or understand a single word someone else is saying.

I was having lunch at a restaurant in Sweden surrounded by people from the local business community. There was a lot of chatter and I noticed how everyone seemed to be enjoying each other. I, on the other hand, felt completely isolated and unconnected. I couldn’t understand a single word.

I had no idea what I ordered for lunch. The food was good but I could not shake the disconcerting feeling that came from the low hum of the unrecognizable conversation going on around me.

I can’t say it was uncomfortable. Just isolating….like I didn’t belong. That made me think of the powerful need most of us have for connection with others. All of a sudden I was struck with the fact that the TrainerTainment Sales Process is what it is because it works!

There’s a reason why we call it a process:

  1. C – CONNECT
  2. Q – qualify
  3. P – present (sell)
  4. C – close

Connect is first for a reason. Without connection, there is very little potential for a relationship. With no connection, you don’t have the right to ask a single question. You certainly do not need to “show up & throw up” your pitch all over someone you aren’t connected to. That’s just rude. Without connection, you are isolated from your potential customer and them from you. It is exactly like you can’t and are NOT speaking each other’s language. You must walk through the process of getting connected to another human being before you can begin to sell them anything.

If you saw our Tuesday Tip, you caught me in the moment following an incoming sales call. The sales rep failed to connect or qualify me at all! Jump over to our Facebook fan page. I promise it’s a fun couple of minutes to catch me in the aftermath of visiting with a sales person who has given me reason to learn and teach more!

I also want to invite you to join us for our next webinar on Feb 11th where we’ll be helping you with the approach to use when you are reaching out to people to build new business for your center.

Thanks for reading and I hope you’ll intentionally practice the art of connecting this weekend. It makes a big difference!

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