TrainerTainment® Blog

Tips, Coaching, and Training – Onsite, Online, and Ongoing to Improve Sales, Service, and Leadership

Weight Loss and Life

We have so much going on right now at TrainerTainment and it’s all I can do to keep up! Thank you. Listen, it’s important to me to communicate with you each week. I missed getting an article together last week and am rushing to get this one out today. Have you ever...

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The Trick of Teaching

Lately I've been thinking a lot about the challenge of training. Whether you are teaching a new person who's just been placed in the job or trying to train a new behavior for an existing team member, there are many up-hill battles that need to be won in order to get...

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It’s All About Me!

So a while back my husband and I were purchasing wood floors for our house.  It had been a long time coming. Who would of thought to put white carpet in a house with three boys? We had been shopping around for a few weeks and went into a local store and found some...

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Enough Time

What does that mean? I’m completely obsessed with “time management”. Having enough time is a unique concept. Managing time is kind of a crazy idea. We can’t control or even manipulate the number of hours, minutes, or seconds in a single day.  It’s a finite, limited...

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The “No Fit” Zone

Yesterday my flight was delayed about an hour and twenty minutes.  My plane was coming from Tulsa except that it had mechanical difficulties (read: broken plane). That plane nor its crew ever left Tulsa so they had to find a new piece of equipment and crew for our...

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I Can’t Do That!

Time is a limited resource. Golda Meir said: “I must govern the clock, not be governed by it”. This week as I began a ten day, 8 city trek, I panicked. I found myself making   that list on the plane Tuesday morning. You know that list right, the one where you start...

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I OBJECT! Really?

This week’s coaching topic was about Overcoming Objections.  In my free time, I like to try new hobbies and careers.  This gets me into trouble with my calendar but I’m the happiest I’ve ever been.  Since the spring I’ve been trying my hand at being a wedding planner...

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The Old “Fartwheel”

Bizarre title I know. Thanks for opening this email. Last week we attended Bowl Expo. What a GREAT show! I was full of joy about EVERYTHING!  At the end of the first trade show day the most interesting thing happened. The show always winds down and fewer people come...

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