TrainerTainment® Blog

Tips, Coaching, and Training – Onsite, Online, and Ongoing to Improve Sales, Service, and Leadership

What causes sales?

What causes sales?

When I pay attention to the kind of activity that really gets results, I am certain the key metric to focus on is “meaningful conversations”. The TrainerTainment sales definition of a meaningful conversation is: An encounter with a guest or potential buyer that...

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Set Your New Year Goals Now

Set Your New Year Goals Now

We are just 31 days from the New Year. Did your jaw just hit the floor in shock? Yeah, mine did, too. Thankfully, as a leadership team, we meet every quarter to plan for that quarter and then spend two days together during our annual planning session. At our annual...

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So May Reasons to Be Thankful

Who doesn’t love this time of year? Thanksgiving is such a wonderful time to reflect on all the wonderful things in our lives. All of us here at TrainerTainment are thankful for our amazing customers, friends, and jobs that allow us to have fun while helping others...

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Tools to Overcome Objections

Tools to Overcome Objections

How many times, when booking a birthday party, have you heard one of these phrases? Let me talk to my husband. I’m just shopping around. I need to think about it. Can I call you back? It costs too much. These are just a few of the money objections I have heard during...

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Buy something from a kid! I encourage you to make the difference in the life of a young person this week. I was at the grocery store yesterday, and a young man was offering food tasting in the organic fruit section. I rounded a corner, and there he was with a table...

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Holiday Marketing to Drive Business

This time of year I can’t even tell what holiday I’m supposed to be decorating for! The moment you walk into a store nowadays you are confused about what holiday is approaching. Fall items are next to Halloween, Thanksgiving, and Christmas decorations. I gotta tell...

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