Updates and Live BIG

by | Performance, Personal, Sales


People ask us all the time when we are going to train locally in their area. Next Tuesday and Wednesday we are in our local market teaching about Great Guest Service. I can’t think of a more powerful way to spend a day and a half. Those businesses that set themselves apart by delivery exceptional service are the businesses that are going to thrive and survive. As I stated in the opening of our newsletter, CALL ME and I’ll make you a deal you just can’t refuse! You can grab all the details in the Spotlight of the newsletter today. I hope to see you next week.

Our webinar about how to increase party sales was very exciting. I was thrilled that 228 people attended. We learned that 48% of the people who attended the webinar had a script for selling birthday parties and 52% had no selling system in place. What we know is that when you adopt a program like the “Sales Shopper” program we offer you can double your birthdays. Why don’t you take a minute and go look at www.doublemybirthdays.com to see what I mean. If you meant to attend and life got in the way here’s a link for you to view the recording. We would love you input and feedback about this webinar. We used Prezi instead of Power Point. We had a “sales pitch” at the end. The program was much longer than normal. And we did not get to all the Q & A. Next week, I’ll include a complete document on all the Q & A that we had as a result of this webinar. Please let me know how you felt about this new format. On Monday we will have information about our October Webinar where will be featuring PARTY HOST TRAINING. We hold these free training events the 3rd Tuesday of every month at 2pm CST.

I’m not sure if you know it or not but every training webinar we’ve ever held is stored in our Xpress Training library. We believe this is a powerful training library. In addition to the webinars, you’ll find all of our DVD’s in streaming video, revenue calculators that help you build new packages and products, and a host of forms, training materials, articles, and more. Xpress Training is a month to month subscription resource that is sure to help you provide top training for your team!

Thoughts From My Friend Adwiser the Proprietor

Today’s another day, so get back on track and move closer to your dreams and goals. You can do it. Don’t let yesterday or last week put you off track. You are not the mistakes of your past. You are what you can become.

And it all starts with asking yourself some important questions.

1. Is what I’m going through right now going to be important in 2-5 years or maybe even 2-5 minutes?
Am I spending too much time being hurt or mad or ugly about a situation that will mean nothing in the future?

2. What do I really want for myself? I’m not sure people pay much attention to this question but rather they run through life just living it as it is rather than the way they want it to be because there’s been little focus on what they really want!

3. How am I going to make that (Q-2) happen? When you make that great choice of how you want to be then you gotta’ know that you are going to need to take some action.

4. What price are you willing to pay to get there? I’m not sure this means sacrifice but rather engagement. I personally believe the price is too high if you are talking about sacrificing family, friends, or your personal integrity. Anything else is fair game! Pay up.

5. Is your ideal life yours? Or are you trying to live someone else’s life? Stop that. They are busy living their life, live you own. And make sure it’s really what you want to be not some version of what you think someone else thinks you “should” be.

Know that life’s journey has A DESTINATION. That journey is filled with surprise, disappointment, and wonderful experiences.
Take a “mental” snapshot of HOW you LOOK in YOUR LIFE’s PHOTOGRAPH.

Know that you can make it anything you choose to be…

The Adwiser

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