Trading Panic for Peace

by | Sales

It occurred to me this morning that there is always a choice about how to feel and react to any situation.

On the way to the airport American Airlines called. When  the automated voicemail starts with, “I’m sorry,” you know your flight has been cancelled. Sure enough my 10:40 am flight to San Francisco was cancelled.

I waited a couple of minutes.  My son had ran into the store on our way. With my frequent flyer status they usually call me; and I just catch the next flight out.

Not so lucky this morning.  They did not call quickly enough so I called them. There was a flight at 9:15 am so if I had been my normal neurotic self, arriving at the airport a full two hours ahead of time then I would have been pulling into the airport with plenty of time to spare.

No such luck initially. I got a call while I was on the phone with an agent and they were trying to confirm me on the 9:40 pm.  That was a no go.  We have a reception at the BPAA Bowling Summit @ 6 pm.  It looked like I was going to have to fly another carrier.  Panic began to rear its ugly head.  Not only would I not have my first class seat, I’d probably wind up in a middle seat.  Then I will have to rush to the show floor after hoping my luggage and car work out OK.

Oh I can feel the panic mount.

And then, for a moment I chose peace  … I decide Jordan and I will have brunch at Blue Mesa and I’ll have him drop me off at the airport to hang out at the admirals club.

There’s not much I can do about the situation and I don’t really want to give all my energy over to panic and stress. It was awesome.  The work that I chose to do involves travel. With travel comes some of these moments. I have a choice and the reality is there are all kinds of options. Some are better than others and in the whole scheme of things this is just another day at work.

And then, just as they were getting ready to confirm the other flight the automated system called in and said my flight was departing at 9:55 am.  I can make that flight if I hurry! Now my peace is replaced with a little panic.

The agent made a note in my record that I was on the way. I drove somewhat fast but realized getting stopped would make me late so I split the difference between how fast I wanted to drive and the actual speed limit.

My son was a bit annoyed because as a normal person he can see that we were going to make it with time to spare. I have the added concerns of, “Will they let me check the bags … Is it really ok for me to zip in at 9:05 for a flight that was originally scheduled for 9:15?”  “Can I get through TSA in time?”  I know it’s snotty, but, “Will I get my 1st class seat?”

And the answers –  all the answers –  were yes. It all worked out just fine. The lady at ticketing wouldn’t give me seat.  But I did not stress too bad. Maybe I did a little, but I did not panic and this was one of those situations that can get me every time.

I can’t say how I managed with little to no panic this morning. Maybe it’s age or experience. I’d like to think that there’s a little wisdom and peace at work in my life.  I know for sure that I’m not the mellowing type but I am a good learner.

The point is:  There are a lot of things that can rile us up and hardly anything is worth the energy it costs.

Holy cow!!! There’s a ton of turbulence on this flight today

See you next week- I hope. 🙂

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