Coaching and Training Goal
Our coaching and training goal at TrainerTainment is to educate, engage, and in turn create some type of transformation. When you look at each sector it’s easy to see there is distinction and clarity around commitment, accountability, and results. Education and engagement can happen independently of one another. Transformation relies on implementation, feedback, intentionality, and a real commitment to growth. Do You Measure Accountability for Your Own Growth?
Let’s take a look at each sector involved in training and coaching:
Teacher – or not
Low accountability, i.e.: someone says, “Read this book-I learned so much.” You agree and intend to read the book. However, everything else takes priority and you never read the book, watch a Ted Talk, listen to a Podcast-etc.
- Take a class-independently with no accountability to others.
- Consume a video
- Watch TV
- Read a book
- Listen to a podcast
- Skim a blog
- Attend a webinar
- Listen to a lecture/speaker
- Education can be a very independent, consumable activity that one can act on or not.
TrainerTainment provides a myriad of education options. Education pieces are typically low risk, low cost, entry-level options like written, or downloadable guides, free webinars, blog articles, and of course my book- People Buy from People -How to personally connect in an impersonal world.
Moderate level of accountability. Practice happens during a good engagement session. There may be a test or a set of KPI (Key Performance Indicators that measure progress and are followed up on during the practice or coaching session. This is a safe place to implement and practice the education pieces learned in the previous section.
- Take classes-with others & a teacher.
- Attend an interactive clinic, workshop, or coaching session.
- Participate in a program with a coach.
TrainerTainment provides 4 levels of engagement options. A higher level of commitment and risk are required to participate fully in engagement level coaching at TrainerTainment. Virtual Clinics and Onsite Conferences are the lowest levels of engagement options. Onsite training or Virtual location-specific based training is at level 2. Level 3 includes location-based coaching on a weekly or bi-weekly basis has proven to be an effective, efficient way to grow leaders and sales teams across North America. Finally, level 4 coaching provides one-to-one coaching for individual leaders or salespeople. Sonya and Krista on our team can help you define the best engagement option, schedule a growth call here.
Transformation-Outcome / Results
Master Level Coach
High level of accountability for the student and the coach. When education and engagement are combined the transformation happens when the outcome is measured. Simply stated, when growth is the goal, learning ensues. At some point, the learning must be applied, practiced, and ultimately attempted. The outcome may be positive, negative, or neutral. Knowing what to do next can be very difficult without a coach.
- Positive Outcome/Result-reinforce behavior. Encourage, recognize, reward. Cheer-leading is the easiest form of leadership and accountability.
- Negative Outcome/Result– A Coach or a leader may have to resist ignoring or hoping the negative result will correct itself. (SPOILER ALERT) This is not a good strategy. Addressing the negative result may potentially mean more education and or engagement is needed. A good coach knows how to ask the best questions to understand the best course of action. Accountability is a must in this scenario.
- Neutral Outcome/Result– Refer to the negative outcome section above.
TrainerTainment has provided on-going coaching for sales and leadership teams for more than 15 years. Those teams have won FEC of the World, increased sales, improved costs, and grown as individuals and organizationally across the board. The people, whether salespeople or leaders & owners, understand that it is their effort that makes the difference. The coaching team at TrainerTainment is devoted to improving processes, listening, and supporting the people on the teams we coach. Collectively, we have well over 120 years of industry, sales, & leadership experience. Most winning teams have a coach. If you are looking for real transformation in your business and/or with yourself or individual team members, don’t wait; call us today.