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Happy Valentine's Day!Love, love, love.

I can hear that Beatles song playing in my head today.

Happy Valentine’s Day.

I woke up this morning thinking about the first time my Valentine kissed me. It was 33 years ago and honestly my heart flutters still today to think of that beautiful night under the full April moon at UCA!

All week I’ve wondered how to follow up last week’s newsletter! You all were so awesome with your feedback and comments. I guess if you title an email, “That Lady Has Big Butt,” people are going to read and respond. Thank you. I love it when we get your attention.

Love is what I’ve been thinking about this week.  I love my Valentine of 33 years. I love my children. I love what we do at TrainerTainment. I love the people that I get to work with. You see where I’m going with this. There is great passion in my life and I’m deeply aware and grateful for that love. It makes me get up in the morning. It drives me to work when others have gone to bed. I get deep satisfaction and joy from the relationships in my life.

AND sometimes it’s all pretty difficult too. I don’t think there’s any way to have a lot of joy without knowing and experiencing the opposite. So I’m not saying it’s all kisses and roses but more of the time then not it is, because that’s the way I want it to be.

I wonder sometimes when I see people who just seem to be “getting by” what could be done to help them know about passion. I don’t know if it’s possible for everyone to live their passion. I don’t know that I believe that each person has a good understanding of whom or what they love or could love. I can’t figure that out really.

To really care about something…to have that kind of all consuming passion that makes it unnecessary to sleep or even eat is something that everyone should have the opportunity to live. Motivation is automatic when that kind of love and passion are present. No instructions are needed.

I had a conversation this week with a very dear friend that reminded me that motivation is about moving toward something or moving away from something. I got thinking about that motivation as it relates to love and to passion.  It made sense to me that someone might take a job that they may not really be in love with, like being a party host or a redemption counter guy, but they are in love with having enough money to make a car payment. So the job helps them move toward the idea of having a car-and they are probably pretty passionate about the freedom that having their own wheels brings them.

Anyway, it’s Valentines day, and I thought it would be appropriate to talk about love. So there you have it. I think I’ll go enjoy Jerry and the roses that were on my desk this morning! 33 years and he’s finally learning ; )

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