Declare Yourself a Winner!

by | Sales

I had an interesting conversation with my husband yesterday. I’ve been on this really strict diet and have had some good results (Thank goodness!).


However, in a three-week period this is how the weight came down. Week one: I lost a ton of weight. Week two: I did OK. Week three: nothing! And, while I was having an out loud conversation with myself, Jerry happened to be in the room.


The conversation went something like this: “Well you know, 15 lbs in three weeks is nothing short of a miracle for me. I need to be happy and focused on the fact that I’ve made really great progress. I mean after all, yadda, yadda, yadda…”


Finally my husband looked up from the paper and said, “Hon, you’ve lost a lot of weight in 3 weeks, why don’t you go get a trophy and declare yourself and winner!” We laughed and I went shopping!


The point of the story is that sometimes, we need to look at our accomplishments and declare ourselves winners! Are you taking the time to celebrate with your staff?  Have you set meaningful, reachable goals so there can be celebration?


It’s so easy to get wrapped up in the day-to-day tasks it takes to run the business, that there’s never any time at all to pass out trophies! Please take the time today to set some goals with your team. Get them involved. Plan the celebration.


If you have been celebrating please take a moment to post your ideas on our Facebook page. I know others would really appreciate having a look at what you’ve done to inspire or motivate your staff. If you have questions or concerns about planning the goals or the celebration, ask your questions now.


Finally, remember to check out our webinar schedule. Laura O’Neal is teaching us all about motivation in a couple of weeks!  You won’t want to miss this one! CLICK HERE to get motivated!

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