Cruising Right Along!

     I'm Shipping out on Monday for 5 days in the Caribbean sun. I'm looking forward to sleeping as late as I      want (that probably means all the way to 7:30 a.m.)! I plan to exercise, gamble, go to art actions, drink some margaritas, learn to salsa and make salsa,...

In Honor of Zig Ziglar

For the Record, I am a Zig Ziglar Wannabe And I'm so proud to claim it. Today, I learned that Mr. Ziglar passed away. What a glorious song the angels must have sang to welcome this great man home. One Life, One Word-Can Make All the Difference Zig always spoke about...


Motivation of others is a topic that comes up a lot lately. Most of the time it is managers or owners searching for a way to motivate others. I keep coming back to the realization that motivation might be more internal that external. You know, it’s probably not...



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