Get Ready for Birthday Season

by | Birthday Parties

Oddly enough, the notion that everyone should celebrate their birthday is not very old. Middle-class Americans did not typically hold birthday parties until the 19th century. Birthday celebrations did not become widespread until the early 20th century. In fact, the “Happy Birthday” song will not even turn 100 until 2024! It may have taken us some time to make it a tradition, but it is a tradition today we all love! Birthday season is coming and TrainerTainment® wants to make sure you are ready for it.


Are you offering your target market the optimal packages? Do any packages need to be created? Have you given teen or adult party packages any thought? Have you added any new attractions? Examine your birthday party program now to make sure it offers the most value, and is the best it can be. If you can, spread the joy of celebration beyond the 12 and under, age group. Everyone loves to celebrate our birthdays.


A birthday champion is the perfect way to grow your birthday party business. Consider how many birthday attendees are introduced to your company for the first time. What would party goers think of the rest of your company if a subpar employee is hosting their party? Make sure your party squad is prepared for those busy birthday Saturdays by assuring they have the necessary training now.
Resource AlertParty Host Manual.


Party Center Software recently conducted a study that showed online booking accounts for 60.3% of all party bookings. (Download Study). What a staggering thought that 60.3% of parties are booked online. Go through the process to ensure it is as user friendly as it can be. How many clicks did it take to get to the party information? How easy was it to make event selections?

Are you maximizing additional revenue by ensuring add-ons are seamless to include with a party? Want to know some of our favorite birthday party add-ons? Check out this blog post.

Don’t forget about your internal processes. When the call comes in to your party planners, use scripts to help the guest make the booking process fun, easy, & valuable? At TrainerTainment®, we recommend utilizing the Birthday Sales Qualification Form which transitions team members from telling to selling your party program! It is essential that your party team understands the impact the phone conversation can have on party sales. “Bad Call, Good Call” is a great resource to share with your team to help prepare for the increase in calls.


It’s time to consider how you can make the birthday celebration a memorable event once the Product, People and Process have been optimized. To make sure our hosts are ready for every facet of the party, we use a Party Plan worksheet. The worksheet helps the host make the birthday celebration one to remember.

It pays to never overlook the small details. What options do you have to improve your birthday experience? If you’re unsure you might choose from some of these low-cost ideas we share in this ThinkTank Thursday episode.

Check out our upcoming Birthday Party webinar in October 2023.

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