Are You Having Fun?

by | Sales

On the surface, “is your job fun?” this seems like an interesting question. I bring it up because last week we were in Reno for Bowl Expo. There was a full schedule of education, social events, trade show floor time, and the time that we spent setting the booth up and tearing it down again. Rick, Mary’s husband (Mary is one of our trainers, the book keeper, and my dearest friend) kept referring to the week as Mary’s vacation. Rick was right on one level; Mary was vacationing by being away from all of the responsibility of everything she has to do at home. But the reality is that we sent Mary to Lansing, MI to train on Thursday, the 21st, and she went straight to Bowl Expo and stayed there and worked until Sunday, July 1st.  Ok-we played on the weekend but we played very hard and that could be considered work at our age!

We were all having breakfast one morning as we were preparing to work the booth from 10am-5:00pm, laughing about our vacation! With great wisdom Mary spoke up and said, “You know this isn’t like work, it is fun. I always love my TrainerTainment time.” While that may be true Rick-It’s not really a vacation!

This conversation got me to thinking; and I realized that my own husband has always said, “Have fun honey” when I’ve headed out the door to work. I guess that may have started way back when I was a Tupperware Lady. I was going to a party every night, after all! Even today, when I leave the house to go train, Jerry says, “Have fun hon!”

One of our core values-OK the MAIN core value of our company is “Fun Training”. I guess it should be no surprise that I created a company where fun winds up being a core value for me, our team, and the people we serve. We feel like that if people are having a “fun” time during training that the training will have a long lasting impression. Of course that leads us to the “Serious Results” which stands by the “Fun” as a core value. I don’t think you can really have the one without the other.

I hope you had a wonderful 4th of July celebration. Happy birthday to our nation and to my parent’s in-law who share their 79th birthdays (yes they both were born on the same day), with each other and our great nation.

Have some fun in the coming days!

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