A Passionate Email

by | Sales

You know, I have the opportunity to work with some pretty amazing people. On a weekly basis we coach many sales teams. Last week the training focus was on Passion. I happen to have a “favorite” District Manager in the Louisville, KY area. This guy is very young.  He started in the game room and moved up to the GM quickly and has recently taken over DM role of 2 stores in Louisville. Mike is still very young and a wonderful leader.  He leads with passion, it shows and I’m amazed at how his staff looks to him for leadership.

The operations teams usually participate in these weekly coaching calls.  We’ve found that when sales and operations take 30-45 minutes to get together on a weekly basis that the energy of the team and the sales levels increase, as well as the communication.

During our call last Thursday, Mike was pulled away; and I didn’t know it. I reached a point in the training where I thought using Mike as an example was very appropriate. I know him; and I know that his young family is a big part of the passion that drives him to do the great job he does on a daily basis. He was unable to respond but got the gist of what was going on.  After the call was over I received the following email and knew that there was nothing better that I could share with you all this week. So with Mike’s permission, I’ll let you peek in on his private email to me:



Sorry I was unable to get back on the call as I was talking to a lady from the Zoo here about an upcoming promotion we are doing.

I appreciate your kind words and you are absolutely correct; my motivation comes from my family. I love them more than anything and that certainly helps motivate me. This business is nuts. You can love it and hate it at the same time but you must have a short memory, learn from your mistakes and make every opportunity a possible teaching moment.

The leadership in this company is excellent and the love and passion they have for this business is contagious. Bill, Nick, Derek, and people like Jim Barclay (and of course you!) are so passionate about what they do that you cannot help but be the same way.

These people have taught me to never stop improving and to always step back and look at things from a customer’s perspective. We will all go through many struggles and challenges but the attitude you choose each day will ultimately make the difference. Your people feed off of you and you must be a leader. It all starts with me.

Take Care,



Sometimes we just do what we do because it’s our job. If we’re lucky, we love what we do and the passion for people helps drive our daily actions and decisions. I know that when I got this note from Mike last Thursday that I was reminded why we do what we do. Honestly, I just couldn’t help but being pretty overwhelmed with his words. Thanks Mike for putting it all in perspective. Your note was far better than any Passion Powerpoint I could have delivered!

What’s your passion? What gets you out of bed every morning?

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