100 Birthday Parties This Week!

by | Sales

OMB (OH MY BIRTHDAY!), we have a client in Ottawa Canada that has implemented a very strong birthday party program. We have the privilege of working with them on a week to week basis. Last week we noticed their parties scheduled during week 3 looked very weak compared to their normal week 3 line-up, so of course, my first question on our weekly coaching call was, what’s going on during that week, why is the party count so low? There’s a reasonable explanation and education for all of us, living south of the Canadian border, July 1st is Canada Day. Just like our 4th of July, it’s an outdoor celebration for all. Immediately, I flew into, “HOW are we going to make up those party sales during that week?”

Elaine, their FANTASTIC Party Manager, and I had great conversation about all the things we might try to do during that week, since the weekend was going to suffer due to the holiday. I also think Elaine sprang into action with her sales team and decided to drive the heck out of sales for this week. We had our weekly call this morning and it was clear, we should celebrate. This week, the week before the weak week ; )…did you get all that?, they have 100 parties booked already. I don’t know if they can fit more parties into this week but Elaine was very excited about breaking this century goal. I believe she received a text last night from the sales office to let her know they hit the 100 party mark!

It’s so exciting to me to watch people catch a vision of what can be done and then run after it. Until this week, they did not know they could do 100 parties. Now they know! Now, it is more than a possibility-it’s reality. I began to wonder about all the things we don’t do because we haven’t done them before.

This week, if you could create a new vision for yourself about something you’ve never done before, what would that be? I’ll post the question out on our Trainertainment Facebook page, go there and post your answer. I think it’s a great conversation and it’s been said, when you tell someone about a goal or a dream, it’s much more likely to happen! So go ahead and share your goal or dream with us!

Thanks for reading. I hope you will stop by and see us next week in Reno at Bowl Expo. Happy Wednesday.
PS: Dave just finished up an AMAZING e-learning course on Facebook. We also have a “must-do” groups course that can really help your inside and outside sales team sell the heck out of group events! Check out our e-learning site for the latest and greatest courses!

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