Ideas to Use Facebook Live to Showcase Your Center

by | Marketing

Have you heard of or seen Facebook Live by someone you follow? We know that videos have been ranking higher than other types of media for some time now, but Facebook Live video changes the game.

Facebook Live video was launched to celebrities late last summer and is now rolling out to iOS and Android users. It hasn’t been activated on my account yet (I’m sure it takes time to roll out on this side of the world), but I have been so excited about this feature!

Facebook will be taking Live video into account for ranking, which means Live video is going to show up at the top of the newsfeed.

So, it has had me thinking…. how could we at TrainerTainment and, most importantly, our clients, use Live at their centers. I have a few ideas for you.

1. Birthday Parties

People call our center to book birthday parties all the time, and we tell them our parties are the best in town but how about we show them? Live stream a birthday party so they can get the full experience of how great your parties are. Be sure to get parent permission first!

2. Back of the House

One of the great things about Facebook Live is you will be able to connect and show who you are. How fun would it be to show how you get prepped for the day? I remember making the dough and thinking people would be so surprised if they knew the size of equipment we used and that we made everything from scratch.

3. Games and Attractions

Do you have a new game or an attraction in your center? Live stream the first day of it or team members testing it out. What a great way to showcase what’s new and how fun it can be!

4. Meet the Team

Have a fun “Meet the Team” each month. Live interview your staff, so your guests get to know who they are and recognize them when they come in. It’s all about making a connection early!

5. Holidays and Events

Do you have someone on your team who is outgoing and engaging? Have them live stream during your busy times. They can walk through the center, ask guests if they are having a good time, and encourage people to bring the family out for fun!

These are just a few ideas of how you can connect using Facebook Live in your center. The best part is that your videos are automatically saved to your Facebook page. We would love to see what you are Live with. Be sure and share on our Facebook wall so we can join in on the fun!

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