How do you build your burger?

by | Birthday Parties

We recently had our quarterly planning session. What that means is at the end of every quarter our leadership team gets together to reflect on the past quarter, plan and goal set for the next quarter and take a look at our values, people, three year and ten-year goals. This quarterly planning helps us get and stay on track to be successful.

During our meeting we were talking about our products and services and asking ourselves does it benefit our customers to change our minimum base service to fit them. While we do customize everything to meet each of our client’s needs, I mean, do we go with what we know works – like allowing a client not to commit to sales coaching for the time that it takes to be successful. Then Mary, who always brings amazing wisdom to our team, speaks up and says “It’s like do you want a burger with mustard, mayo, and cheese or do you want it with just meat and ketchup?” I know, making you hungry right? Well, it made me hungry to think about it as we need to stick to our base packages and then have a list of add-on services available for customers to customize to best fit their wants and needs.

Centers should also create their birthday, group and field trip packages this same way. When clients sign up for sales coaching, mystery shopper or grand opening projects, we work with them to create packages that do just that. We create three base packages and then create a list of add on’s. So the first is just a basic package, think of this as just a burger and fries. The next package is a step up to a burger, fries and soda. The final package would be the ultimate package that includes everything, burger, fries, soda, and ice cream. They still have the ability to customize it with all the toppings they want, and that is how parties should be too.

This structure makes it easy for you, your party hosts, but most of all the parents. I have three boys, so I have booked my fair share of parties and have reviewed hundreds of centers birthday party packages, and nothing makes me more confused, and quite frankly irritated, than having a TON of packages. Yes, there are some with 8 or more packages, and I had already tuned out by the time I got to the 5th.

I encourage to you to take a look at your packages, even call and shop your center and see how long the phone call takes to book a party. Here’s a tip – if you follow the birthday BDSQF we train on a call from hello to booked is on average eight minutes. If doing it yourself isn’t for you then we are here to help.

Have a great week and we hope you have a big weekend of birthday sales planned!

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