Hopefully, you are booked solid for December. If not, there is still time. Many companies continue to work on rebuilding and reconnecting their teams. They may have been too busy to prioritize booking a Holiday event. Call everyone you want to do business with. Find out what they are doing to celebrate the holidays this year. I promise you will book a few events and learn about how organizations decide what to do and where to go this year. That learning is sure to help you gain new business for the future.
My primary purpose for this article is to provide a way for you to extend the holiday season. My hope is you are reading this article early enough to take advantage of this idea. There is a wealth of opportunity for group holiday sales in January if you are willing to commit to a retail blitz before Black Friday.
A retail blitz? I’m not referring to a shopping spree unless you think I mean shopping for event sales from retail and hospitality businesses. No retail business can have a Holiday party during their busy season. They have to and need to get together after JANUARY 1st.
Go to the shops in your community. Ask owners and managers what they do to celebrate the busy selling season. You may plant a seed they haven’t thought of. We have dealt with clients who fill their January with Home Depot, Walmart, Restaurant groups, and other retailers. I can’t stress enough how important it is to reach out to these folks before Black Friday. Getting to a decision-maker will be much more challenging if you cannot have a meaningful conversation before Black Friday.
Check out the TrainerTainment® outbound script to help with your approach. This script and others can be found in the TrainerTainment® online 24/7 Xpress Training site. There is a 7-day free trial. Grab a membership and use the seven days to download your scripts. Once you are in the group sales area, type in the word scripts, and voila, you’ll have what you need! Happy hunting.