You Go First

by | Sales

ServiceSign.29203237A terrific thing happened this morning on the way home from the gym. After a great workout I love the reward of a “Starbucks!” I’ve switched to green tea so it’s not as much fun as the triple grande skinny caramel latte but I think it’s a lot better for me.

I’m literally in the afterglow of working hard and feeling pretty darn good about life in general. When I pull around to the drive through another car has pulled up at about the same moment. I put on my brakes and waved that driver on. We had a moment of “no you go”… I smiled and simply waved again and she pulled on through. I can promise you on another day I might have been indignant because from my point of view I got there first!

Anyway, I’m enjoying my seventies in the morning on the radio, waiting my turn in line. Unbelievably, when I got to the window an amazing thing happened. The lady that is usually at the window was there this morning and as she handed me my tea and I passed her my “gold” card (yes I have a gold card), she said, “Oh the lady in front of you paid for your drink this morning.”

I was astonished. How cool is that? I was feeling so awesome, I didn’t think the day could get better and then this! I know it’s only $2.53 but you know what, it was big. I grabbed $2.00 out of my secret change spot in the car and handed it to the server at Starbucks… She was absolutely delighted. I wonder what she might do for someone else today? I think that’s possible.

I share this with you today because at TrainerTainment, we really believe in a service model that teaches that if we got it that we were all “in service to each other” that our jobs would be easier. In fact I think our lives would be a lot better and this morning proved that.

Trust me, I love to be first. However, this morning it was awesome to let someone else go to the front of the line. I encourage you this week, in your job, with your friends, especially with your family… serve them. See what happens. I bet you won’t feel like you’ve even been to work. When you are on the look-out to serve another and then pull that off, I think you’ll find a ton of gratification in that work.

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