When Selling CLICKS

by | Sales

I know I usually only give a tip … but this little nugget deserved a whole STORY!

Last week I had an INCREDIBLE week down in Dallas working with Beth. We were preparing all of the collateral on our new social media products and services.

Let me tell you (though you probably already know) I’m SUPER excited about what we’re about to offer our clients. I love getting in front of a client who’s skeptical and changing his or her mind about how social media can open up new paths for conversation, marketing and of course, NEW BUSINESS.

So imagine my delight when THIS happened …

Beth’s son, Jordan, is a fabulous musician. He plays several instruments, including the sax, flute and clarinet – just to name a few. In a social media EXPLOSION Jordan set forth a chain of events that I describe as being able to happen for our customers, too! Things just CLICKED.

Jordan posted a video of himself on playing a piece by Christian Lauba for an audition with Cirque du Soleil. Lauba happened to see the piece and messaged Jordan on YouTube (yes, you can do that!). He then connected with Jordan on Facebook, asking to become his friend. After a short conversation, Lauba asked Jordan to Skype with him so they could talk about the piece that Jordan played!!

That’s only four CLICKS if you’re counting!

Jordan and Lauba had a great Skype session, where he learned how to play the piece more as it was meant to be played (apparently French music is just a difficult as the language), and where he was also showered with compliments such as “the way you play is poetic.”

And that, ladies and gentlemen, is social media hard at work. The audience is captive, GLOBAL, and just waiting for you to entice them to respond – with a CLICK. You don’t have to be a beautiful musician, either. Or a commander of content. Well … you DO, but with our new social media products and services we’ll TEACH you how to do these things – or better yet, do them all FOR you.

Do you have any social media stories?  Tell us your social media triumphs in the comments below.

We’d love to hear them, and may even ask you to retell them in our NEW upcoming blog that’s all about social media!

~ Brooke Ballard

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