One Chance at a First Impression

by | Sales

I attended my 30 year class reunion this past weekend. Because I was on the planning committee, you can bet we included a bowling event as one of the activities! You can view pictures on my Facebook page. You know those pictures are worth a 1000 words!

I don’t live in Ft. Smith, AR, anymore, but, with the way our industry works I do know the proprietor and the staff at Bowling World. We planned this Saturday afternoon event way back in March of this year. I facilitated 2 games of 9–pin no tap – which is always cool for people who don’t bowl or haven’t bowled in a long time. They scored more than ever, which in turn should entice them to come bowling again!

In the planning, I asked for balloons on each pair, and an appetizer type buffet. And I thought it would be fun to have red pins in the rack. The center not only put in the red pins, they also gave us “buy one get one” free coupons to give to the winners. Bowling World understood that they had a real opportunity with new people who live in Ft. Smith, and WOW, did they exceed our expectations!

The set up was beautiful. Not only did they have balloon bouquets, but, they had red and white candles too. When we entered the center, there was a giant banner that welcomed the class of ’79. They had door prizes that they gave away during our event. And they have these cool grown–up tricycles for races. Each team designated a racer and we had them compete. The winner received a ball cap that had the grizzly logo and class of ’79. How cool was that? I wish I could say that was my idea, but it was a center contribution to the event.

I have received so many thanks and congratulations regarding the bowling event. Everyone had so much fun. When it comes to first impressions, this center created a lasting memory. My hope is that there will definitely be new business for Bowling World that is a direct result of our reunion.

From a public point of view I want to personally thank Jeremy, Roxanne, Randy, and the incredible staff at Bowling World. You guys made me look good and the class of ’79 had a blast on Saturday!

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