TrainerTainment® Blog

Tips, Coaching, and Training – Onsite, Online, and Ongoing to Improve Sales, Service, and Leadership

The Kiss–Up Approach is Dead

One of the things that drives me crazy about selling and great guest service, is that often times those providing the service feel like, or at least verbalize, how much they hate “kissing up” to others. I don’t get that. Why would you “kiss...

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Up-Sell without the Hard Sell

Regarding parties, up–selling can be a piece of cake. However, your staff may feel differently about this type of sales process. This article on up–selling focuses on the challenges and benefits to the consumer, the business, and the individual employee. Selling is...

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It’s Personal

Success in anything is or should be personal. When it’s personal, there is accountability. Winning is on the line; most of us like to win. As we close the 1st quarter, it’s time to look at the goals we had set at the beginning of the year and measure how we did. Did...

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If Mama Ain’t Happy – Nobody’s Happy!

You know we do a lot of training regarding birthday parties. We can survey and participate in many programs with different facilities nationwide. If you are a TrainerTainment fan (to become a fan on Facebook, CLICK HERE), you know that our sales battle cry is “Find...

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Selling Happens Everywhere

Those of you that know me understand how much I love Las Vegas. Those that know me well believe I should start a 12 step program when it comes to my love of video poker! We all have our vices. However, last week during Fun Expo I had the great fortune to meet up with...

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It Might Sound Hokey, but . . .

I saw this sign in a restaurant the other day. It cracked me up and got me to thinking. You may call me hokey with this week’s newsletter but I had the coolest customer service experience this weekend with (if you can believe it) the PHONE Company. I try to...

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You Gotta See It . . .

BELIEVE IT! We have the opportunity to see so many entertainment facilities across this great country and even around the world once in a while. This week, besides being part of the greatest snowstorm in the history of the Northeast, I got to work with an amazing team...

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Cold Call Blunders

Cold calling can be one of the most difficult things when it comes to sales. I think that I’m a “Rock Star” sales woman, but honestly, if I had to spend the entire day cold calling, it might not be as easy to love what I do. In a way, it’s like...

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A Sales Campaign That Works

Communicating the stuff rattling around in my head is so much fun. It’s even MORE fun when someone uses that information and successfully implements a program (more on that at the end of the article). We have a great customer story to share with you this week. I know...

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