Tips from Our Coaches to Grow Your Business in 2019

by | Business Development

We are just 28 days away from the New Year. If you think the year has flown by, wait, this next month will be over in the blink of an eye.

Have you thought about what you want your business to look like in 2019? If not, then you need to start now! Our team coaches and trains clients on a day-to-day basis. I asked each of them to reflect on the year and think about what they have learned as well as what our clients have learned this year and give you their best tip about how to grow your business next year.


I’m speaking directly to owners…stop doing everything. When someone says, “What do you want me to do?” try answering this…”What do you think would work best?” As leaders, we help people grow more when we stop solving their problems. Real growth happens when people begin to solve their problems. Be supportive and ask better questions. Being the answer gal/guy isn’t the only way to help someone else.



Focus on your people. Your team is your best asset and can be the hardest thing to replace. Take the time to get to know your team, train them with your core values, and know that hiring, training, and losing a team member can be one of the most expensive challenges in your business. A people first mindset for both guest and team members will grow your business.



My best advice is for leaders to take the time to mentor their team. From the dishwasher up to your managers, take the time to talk with them. Give them regular feedback, whether it’s good or bad. Find out what their goals are and how you can help them reach those goals. Giving them coaching and guidance will make them want to work hard for you and it will develop trust that, in turn, will grow your business.



Plan, plan, plan. Set your goals now for next year along with what steps will be required to achieve them. Even if you don’t have all the answers, you can fill in as you progress.



Be proactive, not reactive. Plan. Look for trends from previous years and make adjustments ahead of the curve instead of after. Look for business and ask for it – don’t wait for the phone to ring or the door to swing open. Have your managers wear logo shirts everywhere and be prepared to speak on your venue.



Set goals and develop steps to accomplish them. Write them down!!!!



Take a clarity break to work on your business. Step back and look at what is working and what is not working in your business. Set goals that will allow you to forge into 2019 with more time for your family.



Create a budget for training. Follow through. Be sure the money set aside for it is invested wisely for maximum return on your investment.



If you don’t have a set of core values for your business, identify them and use them in all of your business decisions. And if you do have core values established – use them, live by them, lead by them, and interact with your customers with them.



Focus on the growth.  We get caught up in so many things that don’t truly matter and those things become the focus.  When a problem/issue arises, handle it completely. Once and for all. Don’t keep “fixing” the same problem over and over. Get to the bottom of it….the very bottom of it….and fix it forever. Focus is the key.


We hope these tips help you start thinking about growing your business in 2019. If you are ready to dig in, set clear goals, and have someone help hold you accountable for meeting your goals, call us. We are ready to help!

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