Membership-based training and tools the professionals use!

Training anytime, anywhere.

You want to provide training for your team and implement new systems in your center, but you don’t have the tools to do it. Xpress Training gives you online access to all the tools you need to grow your people and your business.

By being a member of Xpress Training, you will gain access to the tools our coaching team uses ourselves! And you get 15% on all products in our store!

Weekly, our team has many conversations about being overworked, overwhelmed, and understaffed.

One of the most important things we can do is to shift our thinking about how we see and engage team members. We of them as “internal guests.” Thinking of the people who work for us as a client or a guest makes it possible to treat them in a new way.

We don’t know a single business owner who thinks about the external guest who walks in the door as “disposable.”  Use these tools and resources to engage your “internal guest.” 

Sign up now for your 7-day free trial. 


Building Loyalty Through Excellence

In the fiercely competitive Family Entertainment and Attractions industry, exceptional guest service is more than just a nicety—it’s a crucial differentiator that can set your business apart and drive long-term success. Join us for an insightful webinar where we will explore the top reasons to elevate your guest service and provide actionable strategies that can turn your first-time visitors into loyal advocates.


Enjoy many articles and papers that will you lead, train, and motivate your team, such as this one on A Culture of Accountability.

Beth Standlee

We Can Make a Difference One Voice at a Time!

Recently, I had a very exciting adventure on the “Hill” in D.C. with my AAMA friends. As a board member, one of our commitments is to advocate for those of us who make our living and lives in the entertainment space.

I have never been to our nation’s capital and the experience was one of the coolest parties I’ve ever been to. It might sound lame, but it felt as if we were doing something important. We weren’t sitting on the sidelines complaining about what Washington won’t do. Who knows if anyone was really listening. Who knows if our concerns will be taken on by the Senate and house representatives’ staff we communicated with. What I do know is doing nothing is not an option for me. I am committed to fighting for my right to party!

Advocacy is a powerful force that can drive positive change in our world. It involves raising your voice, standing up for what you believe in, and working towards a better future. Among the topics we tackled were rising costs of labor. We asked about the potential of a “training” wage for first time workers. We also brought up the need for H2B visas for temporary workers.

I was pretty excited to hear about the HERO bill, on the floor currently, that incentivizes employers in our space to employ young people who might otherwise fall through the cracks. I’m not sure we hear enough about these types of opportunities and when we do, we need to figure out how to support and help pass this type of legislation. Because I’m terrible at reading legalese, I’ve used to help summarize the bill for you.

To read the remainder of this article – sign up for a FREE Trial of Xpress Training Membership.


You will have access to all of the Guides included in our Store and some in our coaching program.

Below is an excerpt from Trainertaintment’s Policy and Procedure Book. Do you need to develop your company’s employee procedure manual or update an existing one? You must define your company policies and list all the policies and procedures so you can handle any employee questions or issues. Providing this information to any employee in advance will help prevent conflicts in the future.


Xpress Training

$25 per month or $250 per year (save $50)

  • Building Group Sales – Digital
  • Building Birthday Sales – Digital
  • Building Great Teams – Digital
  • Corporate Party Playbook: Play Therapy – Digital
  • Marketing & Promotions Guide – Digital
  • Grand Opening Events – Digital
  • Birthday Club – Digital
  • Party Host Guide – Digital
  • Fun Training, Serious Results – Digital
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