The Ideal Guest Service Candidate

Walks like…
Talks like…
Looks like…
Acts like…
Smells like…
Sounds like..

I would encourage you to take 5 minutes (or even 2) to complete these sentences. I’ve had the great fortune to speak at several state meetings in the last 8-10 weeks and the hot topic of conversation is all about “people”.

A friend of mine often says, “business is just great-except for the people.” The question of how to motivate others and how to find great people seem to be the hot topic of the day. I believe that if we start with completing the sentences above that it will be a lot easier to manage the motivation question.

I think that sometimes we settle. Instead of holding fast to only hiring ideal candidates we just take the first guy or gal that comes along. I say we, because I know that I talked myself into substandard candidates in the past because I didn’t want to work the overnight shift. I think that if we are all honest with ourselves, we’ve all made that same choice.

I also believe that many people have not completed the exercise above. If you take the time to really define the characteristics of “YOUR IDEAL Guest Service person” then you’ll have a great place to start when it comes to hiring new employees. You’ll also have a great point of reference that you can use to inspire, motivate, or move an existing employee up or out the door! You have to determine what you want and then stick to that. Don’t settle. Can you imagine what would happen to your service model?

We could nominate this week as “Set Your Standards” week. I’m so committed to this exercise that I’m willing to reward you for taking 5 minutes of your life to declare your standards. 5 minutes to focus on who you really want to represent you and your business. You and your entire team would benefit.

If you’ll take on the task of describing the characteristics that an “ideal guest service person” needs in order to work at your location, then I’ll send you an electronic copy of our Great Guest Service workbook. We don’t sell it. It’s only available at workshops. I’m serious, if you’ll go to our blog and complete the exercise above, I’ll send you this fantastic workbook. Make sure I have your email.

As always, I’m grateful and inspired that you take time each week to read our newsletter. Thank you. I hope you have the biggest weekend of the month!

It’s NOT OK to Touch a Stranger’s Underwear!

Listen, I’m all about having great systems in place. However when the system is more important than the people you serve then common sense needs to prevail.

This past week I arrived at a hotel a day earlier than the actual reservation. The client had handled the room details. So when I tried to check in, they could not find the reservation. It seemed to be no big deal. I just grabbed the room a night sooner. This was Tuesday.

On Wednesday afternoon, I facilitated a birthday training class from 2-5pm. I headed for the room to drop my stuff so we could go to dinner. My key did not work. A malfunctioning key is no an unusual occurrence for me. I figure it’s my magnetic personality demagnetizing the key! Just kidding.

So I head back to the front desk and you’ll never believe what happened. I say, “My key won’t work, I’m in 239.” She looks at me and says, “Are you sure?” I thought that was a weird answer. I said, “Well I was in there this morning and last night…and by the way, so is and was my stuff!” She clarifies that I know my own name; and so I get out my driver’s license to offer up proof that I’m sure I’m who I say I am. I go on to explain that I had a reservation that actually started on the 10th, but that I had arrived a day early so I was already checked in. The desk person looks me in the eye and says, “Mam, I see your reservation and you haven’t checked in yet.”

Now I know that I have two options at this point. I can get ballistic, and truthfully, my exasperation meter was in the red; or I could simply act as confused as they were (and I was truly very confused by this time.) Luckily my cooler head prevailed, and the concern about my where my underwear and my make-up were outweighed my urge to punch someone.

As the plot thickened, I discovered that they had packed up all the stuff in my room and brought it down to lobby. I was stunned. I ask, “Did you get everything out of the drawers?” Yup… They did recheck me in to a new room and the young man that handled my clothes, make-up, etc. helped me up to my new room which by the way, was exactly the same type of room as the old room. I travel a bazillion days a year and I have NEVER had an experience like this.

At dinner that evening I met up with a dear friend of mine in the industry who works for Embed. His name is Phil Showler. I was sharing my hotel do-da story and find out that as a bizarre coincidence Phil had been checked into room 239 that afternoon! I didn’t even know Phil was going to be at this event. I’m pretty sure that he could have been checked into room 540 where I was moved to and been perfectly content with that room!

The accommodations in both rooms were very nice. The people were nice. The systems were not nice. They were unable to use common sense in this situation. I’m not sure what it would have taken for there to have been a wiser transition in this case and apparently neither did the staff on that Wednesday afternoon.

On the morning that I checked out, I stopped to get my receipt. In the confusion of the room shuffle of the first night I had not received verification of the charges. The young woman that had checked me in originally was working the desk as I was leaving on Friday morning. I explained to her what I happened. She seemed horrified. Apparently she had given me the same room for the second reservation. This young woman tracked down who was working so she could review the situation and she also reached out to her boss and got approval to comp the room. I want to be clear, the only reason I stopped at the desk was to make sure that I had only been required to pay for the first night and to grab my receipt. It’s my experience that if anything is goofed up with a hotel room charge it’s a lot easier to get it fixed before you leave the premises.

I would encourage you to look at systems that you have in place. Technology is wonderful but often times it can get in the way of common sense. Do what’s right. Put yourself in the guest’s shoes. I’m pretty sure that if someone had taken the time to consider how uncomfortable having their own underwear handled by a stranger, they might have been able to come up with a better solution.

Do you have a system in place that might impede guest service? Have you ever had something wonky happen that a little common sense could have fixed? I’d love to hear about it.

Have a great week.


Motivation of others is a topic that comes up a lot lately. Most of the time it is managers or owners searching for a way to motivate others. I keep coming back to the realization that motivation might be more internal that external. You know, it’s probably not realistic to think that one human being can really “motivate” another. It comes from the inside.

However, inspiration is something different. I looked up the word inspire and found the following: Exalting influence, to fill or affect with a specific feeling or thought, to influence or impel. It makes more sense to me that we might “inspire” rather than motivate others; and that could be for good or bad!

I’ve thought about this all week and finally decided that there are 3 very powerful messages in my own life that have influenced me; and I’m motivated to share them with you. I’m also curious as to what inspires YOU. Please take a moment and share some of the things that you know have had great influence in your life.

1. Zig Ziglar’s belief that “when you help enough other people get what they want then you’ll have what you want” has been a driving force in my life. Our core belief at TrainerTainment is that, “We help others.”

2. Ralph Waldo Emerson: I’m an English major and one of my favorite works is written by Emerson. This message titled Success hangs in my house. I hope you are inspired by Emerson’s beautiful portrayal of success…

“To laugh often and love much; to win the respect of intelligent persons and the affection of children; to earn the approbation of honest citizens and endure the betrayal of false friends; to appreciate beauty; to find the best in others; to give of one’s self; to leave the world a bit better, whether by a healthy child, a garden patch or a redeemed social condition; to have played and laughed with enthusiasm and sung with exultation; to know even one life has breathed easier because you have lived—this is to have succeeded.”

3. The Psalmist-David: The entire chapter of Psalms 139 is very inspirational on many levels. Through the years when I struggle with my weight or have moments of doubt verse 14 in particular reminds me that there is great purpose given to each of us. There are no accidents. And when it comes to “self-esteem” it’s encouraging to know that great care was taken in how we were made. David writes:

“I will praise thee; for I am fearfully and wonderfully made: marvelous are thy works; and that my soul knoweth right well.”

So when I consider success, self-esteem, and purpose in my own life, these 3 thoughts have become strong words that I believe have inspired and motivated me on a daily basis.

I hope you are having a great week and are looking forward to an even greater weekend. For all of my East Coast friends, I look forward to seeing you in a couple of days.

An Elevator Ride

I participated in a terrific event last week at one of our client centers in New Jersey. The United Way held a fundraiser at Colonial Bowling and Entertainment. Carl Banks of NY Giants Fame had a 1 game bowl-off with Hollis Thomas a past player for the Philadelphia Eagles. I got to be the coach and I am happy to report that Mr. Banks was incredibly coach-able and he won! The players interacted with the crowd and the United Way was pleased with the event.

Next time I’m pushing for the Jersey Girls I know to be the competitors in an event like this. The Dorin Sisters and Kelly Kulick could have put on a show that would have really jazzed the crowd! (Just my opinion but those Female Bowling Greats can expect my call in the spring!)

So what does that have to do with an elevator ride? Let me get to it. Obviously when I travel I usually stay in a hotel. Last week I stayed at a very nice Marriott in downtown Trenton, NJ. I’m always paying attention to service and to people. This location was a business class hotel with a lot of meeting rooms; and I could tell by the badges that most people were wearing that there were several conferences going on.

On the day I arrived, I checked in and headed to the elevator to get to my third floor room. (Yes I take the stairs but NOT with my luggage). Several people got on to the elevator. Two folks were visiting with one another and seemed like they had been in the same class. As they stepped off the elevator on floor two, I thought I heard the guy in the back of the elevator say, “Stay Positive.” I wasn’t sure that’s what he said. It had that familiar ring of , “have a good day.”

I noticed that his badge had a ribbon that said “speaker”. So then I was sure he must have said “Stay Positive.” My curiosity was peaked and I had to know more about him. I assumed he had probably delivered a rousing motivational keynote speech and was in the after glow of a great day. So of course I ask him, “what did you speak about today?” To my surprise is wasn’t very sexy at all. It was something to do with housing. I wondered how a presentation on housing could be motivational and positive. And then…

The elevator reached my floor and as I stepped off, you guessed it, he said, “Stay Positive.” It must have just been my day. I smiled all the way to the room and have been invoking that spirit of positivity since. I wonder if that guy has any idea how influential he his? He was very intentional with his message; and I just found it so much more meaningful than, “have a nice day.” What do you say when people exit the elevator? What kind of cool salutations could we come up with that might inspire others?

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